Personal Info:
Real Name: Low
Also Known As:
Place Of Birth: Space Sector 3308
First Appearance: Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special 1
Known Associates:
Group Affiliation: Sinestro Corps
Base Of Operations: Space Sector 3308
Grudges: Green Lantern's
Gallery: Click
Parasitic Reproduction: Low replicates by laying “eggs” in the bodies he feeds on. Up to a thousand parasitic slugs can be born in a single carcass.
Claws: Low possesses a set of claws.
Teeth: Low has a set of teeth he can use as a weapon.
Qwardian Power Ring: Members of the Sinestro Corps use yellow power rings built on Qward and are fuelled by fear instead of willpower. The rings can create constructs based on the wielders own thoughts, produce energy blasts, generate force fields, instil fear, render the wearer invisible, allow them to phase, fly, absorb energy, translate languages, create spacial warps and even regenerate health in a limited way.
Low is the most dangerous parasite in the universe. He can suck every drop of blood from nearly any being in a matter of seconds. Low replicates by laying eggs in the bodies of those he feeds on. Up to a thousand parasitic slugs can be born in a single carcass.