Real Name: Unknown | ||||||||
Also Known As: No known Alias | ||||||||
Place Of Birth: Gotham City | ||||||||
First Appearance: Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (1992) Modern Age Villain | ||||||||
Known Associates: Bane, Trogg, Zombie | ||||||||
Group Affiliation: Ally of Bane | ||||||||
Base Of Operations: Gotham City | ||||||||
Grudges: Batman | ||||||||
Creators: Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan | ||||||||
Gallery: | ||||||||
Bird has no super human powers; however he is a highly skilled falconer and an expert with birds. | |||||||
Talon: Bird has a pet falcon. |
Bird, so named because of his affinity for birds was imprisoned at the Pena Duro prison in Santa Prisca along with Bane. Bird taught Bane about the criminal world outside of the prison's walls, including tales of Gotham City and its vigilante protector, Batman. When they escaped together and travelled to Gotham, Bird used his pet falcon to spy over Gotham. |