Personal Info:
Real Name: Vyndktvx
Also Known As: Lord Vyndktvx, Ferlin Nyxly, The Little Man, The Envious One
Place Of Birth: The Fifth Dimension
First Appearance: Action Comics Vol.2 #1 (2011) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Clay Ramsay, Dr. Xa-Du, Erik Drekken, Metalek, Nimrod The Hunter, Superdoom, Susie Tompkins
Group Affiliation: Anti-Superman Army
Base Of Operations: The Fifth Dimension
Grudges: Superman
Creators: Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
Gallery: Click
Magic: Vyndktvx is a being from the 5th dimension and as such he can use his mastery of 5th dimensional science to shape reality in the earth dimension. Mxyzptlk can manipulate time and matter with a thought and can impose new laws of physics just by thinking.
Vyndktvx was one of three children born to the Queen of Brpzx. After his mother's death, he was sent away, but became a court magician, lauded for his meticulous and highly-logical tricks. When these were passed over by the king in favour of Mxyzptlk's more chaotic and fanciful style - and even worse, when this won the heart of the princess - it caused Vyndktvx to go mad with jealousy.
Breaking into a weapons storage facility, the imp stole a set of armaments, including a cloak of hiding and a spear-of-infinite-heads. He struck out in the night at a shape wearing Mxyzptlk's iconic hat, but struck the wrong man and murdered the king. With horrific scarring on his left arm, Vyndktvx worked fast to obscure his crime, first by disposing of the witnesses - putting Mxyzptlk in a glass coffin and forcing Nyxlygsptlnz into exile - and then attempting to dispose of the evidence - namely, Mxyzptlk's stories of costumed champions, and his prize trick, "Superman".
Vyndktvx at DC Database
Vyndktvx at Comic Vine