Sound Dancer
Sound Dancer
Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: The Obsidian Deeps
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol.4 #39 ((2009) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Larfleeze, Blume, Clypta, Glomulus, Nat Nat, Ceebiss, Warp Wrap
Group Affiliation: Orange Lantern Corps
Base Of Operations: Space Sector 0911
Grudges: Larfleeze and the Green Lanterns
Creators: Geoff Johns and Philip Tan
Gallery: Click
Orange Power Ring: Members of the Orange Lantern Corps use orange power rings and are fuelled by Avarice energy. The rings can create constructs based on the wielders own thoughts, produce energy blasts, generate force fields, render the wearer invisible, allow them to phase, fly, absorb energy, create avatars, translate languages, create spacial warps and even regenerate health in a limited way.
Slain by Larfleeze at some point in their mutual past, Sound Dancer became one of the constructs which made up Larfleeze's Orange Lantern Corps. When the Wanderer restored a number of the Orange Lanterns to life, Sound Dancer and her comrades attacked Larfleeze, seeking revenge.
Sound Dancer at Green Lantern Wiki
Sound Dancer at Comic Vine