Personal Info:
Real Name: Hank Hall
Also Known As: Hawk, Monarch
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Zero Hour Vol.1 #4 (1994) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Dove, Parallax
Group Affiliation: Former member of the Teen Titans, Former partner of Dove
Base Of Operations: Mobile
Grudges: The JSA and the Linear Men
Creators: Archie Goodwin, Denny O'Neil and Dan Jurgens
Enhanced Abilities: Extant has superhuman strength, agility and endurance.
Body Armour: Extant’s armour provides him with a high degree of protection from physical and energy attacks.
Time Control: Extant is composed entirely of Chronal energy due to the absorption of Waverider into himself. This gives him absolute mastery over time. He can travel anywhere in time, fire blasts of chronal energy which age people to death and create entropy which destroys time.
Flight: Extant is able to fly due to his original powers as the hero Hawk.
Once a 20th century super-hero known as Hawk, Hank Hall assumed the role of the murderous despot, Monarch, after he saw his own future self kill his partner, Dove. Hawk and Dove were always destined to be two sides of the same force, and they needed each other to maintain stability. With Dove dead, there was no one who could keep Hawk's mind in check no one to stop him from slipping into chaos. Dove's apparent death, however, was actually part of a larger plan by the evil sorcerer, Mordru. Mordru saved Dawn from death and created a concealment spell so she would appear dead. Mordru knew the offspring of Hawk and Dove would create a being of perfect balance between Order and Chaos - and he planned to use that vessel for his own evil ends.
Stealing the chronal energies of Waverider, the rogue Monarch adopted the guise of the time-warping Extant and joined the former Green Lantern Hal Jordan - now the power-mad Parallax - to hasten the breakdown of time and create an entirely new reality of their own design.
Extant at DC Database
Extant at Comic Vine