Subject 82
Subject 82
Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol.1 #7 (2016) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Soranik Natu, Sinestro Corps, Green Lantern Corps
Group Affiliation: Green Lantern Corps · formerly Sinestro Corps
Base Of Operations: Oa
Grudges: Green Lantern's
Creators: Robert Venditti and Rafa Sandoval
Green Lantern Power Ring: Members of the Green Lantern Corps use green power rings built on Oa and are fuelled by the green light of willpower. The rings can create constructs based on the wielders own thoughts, produce energy blasts, generate force fields, render the wearer invisible, allow them to phase, fly, absorb energy, translate languages, create spacial warps and even regenerate health in a limited way.
Qwardian Power Ring: Members of the Sinestro Corps use yellow power rings built on Qward and are fuelled by fear instead of willpower. The rings can create constructs based on the wielders own thoughts, produce energy blasts, generate force fields, instil fear, render the wearer invisible, allow them to phase, fly, absorb energy, translate languages, create spacial warps and even regenerate health in a limited way.
Subject 82 is member of a more altruistic Sinestro Corps led by Soranik Natu, he was left mute from genetic experimentation, in order to have him breathe underwater. He later joined the Green Lantern Corps.
Subject 82 at DC Database
Subject 82 at Comic Vine