Leticia Luthor
Leticia Luthor
Personal Info:
Real Name: Leticia Luthor
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Superwoman Vol.1 #6 (2017) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Lex Luthor, Lena Luthor, The Chained, Graft, Doctor Pharm
Group Affiliation: Lex Luthor Revenge Squad
Base Of Operations: Metropolis
Grudges: Superman and Lex Luthor
Creators: Phil Jimenez and Jack Herbert
Leticia is a skilled and cunning business woman.
Warsuit: Leticia employs a warsuit based on Lex’s design. The suit offers superhuman strength, durability, energy blasts, flight and a force field.
Leticia never wanted Lex to go into science or business and says that he should have been a musician. She claims that she tried to protect her children from Lionel's abuse, but eventually could no longer deal with it and left her family. Leticia moved to Metropolis and founded what would eventually become LexCorp. When Lex also came to Metropolis she allowed him to stay with her, but Lex stole the company out from under her.
Lex had Leticia, and later his daughter Lena Luthor II effectively imprisoned on a private island with no contact with the outside world. Even Lois Lane, the world's best investigative reporter, believed that she was dead. However, she retained a seat on LexCorp's board of directors.
When Lex was imprisoned for his crimes, he lost control of the island, allowing Leticia and Lena to leave. When Luthor signed over control of the company to Superman, Leticia went to Metropolis; ostensibly to investigate if he had the authority to do so. In reality she joined up with Lex's old rivals Graft and Dr. Pharm and their scheme to take revenge on Lex. Rather than simply kill him, the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad planned to destroy his legacy by killing everyone in Metropolis with synthetic Kryptonite which was fatal to humans, developed by Lex decades ago.
Leticia Luthor at DC Database