Real Name: Unknown | ||||||||
Also Known As: | ||||||||
Place Of Birth: Unknown | ||||||||
First Appearance: Spider-Woman Vol.1 50 | ||||||||
Known Associates: | ||||||||
Group Affiliation: Nigh Shift | ||||||||
Base Of Operations: California | ||||||||
Grudges: West Coast Avengers and Spider-Woman | ||||||||
Creators: Ann Nocenti, Brian Postman and Sam DeLaRosa | ||||||||
Gallery: | ||||||||
Time Control: Tick-Tock can perceive various possible futures diverging within the next sixty seconds. The sharper his focus on a particular future event, the more likely it is to occur. He uses a pocket-watch to focus his power. |
Nothing has been revealed about the origin’s of Tick-Tock. |