Steel Vengeance
Steel Vengeance
Personal Info:
Real Name: Sadae Tsumura
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Japan
First Appearance: Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance Vol.1 #2 (1992) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Centurious, Reverend Styge
Group Affiliation: Sisters of Steel
Base Of Operations: Tokyo, Japan;
Grudges: Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze
Creators: Howard Mackie and Adam Kubert
Enhanced Abilities: Steel Vengeance is a cyborg with super human strength, durability and endurance.
Resurrection: Steel Vengeance can be resurrected (or terminated) at will by Centurious.
Weapons: Steel Vengeance primary weapon is her cycle, which is a gigantic engine of destruction. She can project energy blasts, uses gigantic energy guns, and can produce knives or claws from her wrists.
After the villain Steel Wind was rendered virtually comatose by Ghost Rider, her sister began associating with Centurious and Reverend Styge. In return for rehabilitating Steel Wind, they transformed her sister into a cyborg, Steel Vengeance. Centurious apparently also took their souls (or at least Steel Vengeance's) as part of the deal. As Steel Vengeance, she worked for the men who transformed her.
Steel Vengeance at Marvel Universe: The Appendix
Steel Vengeance at Comic Vine
Steel Vengeance at Marvel Database