Personal Info:
Real Name: Radha Dastoor
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Bombay, India
First Appearance: X-Factor Vol.1 #96 (1993) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Monsoon
Group Affiliation: None
Base Of Operations: Mobile
Grudges: X-Factor
Creators: J.M. DeMatteis and Greg Luzniak
The powers Haven appeared to possess were actually those of the foetus that resided inside of her. The foetus (revealed to be a reborn Adversary) eventually killed her upon being born. The Adversary's powers were virtually limitless.
Born into a wealthy family in the midst of poverty-stricken Bombay, India, Haven spent her life surrounded by the dichotomy of her own family's wealth and the utter poverty of the people living in the streets around her.
While her father was a Hindu and her mother was a Zoroastrian, they taught her all of the major religions, and encouraged her to embrace the prophets of these religions. When she became old enough to see the disparity around her, she began praying, seeking a way to rectify the glaring differences she saw. She eventually came to the conclusion that there were no differences, and that she would spend her life helping those in need. She earned the name Haven while helping the poor children in Calcutta.
Eventually she met a man she felt she loved, and despite her upbringing, she gave into her passion. Though she genuinely loved the man, he grew weary of her and would later abandon her. Soon after this, she found she was pregnant. As the baby grew within her she began receiving messages of a rebirth the world would undergo called the Mahapralaya. An event that would see three-fourths of the world's population perish, but would ultimately result in a new breed of humanity rising up and taking control. As she was receiving these messages, she also began exhibiting the powers she would later utilize in her quest.
Unwilling to wait for the Mahapralaya to happen on its own, she dedicated her organization to bringing about the disasters that would hasten the event. Her operatives actively incited political unrest, riots, revolts and even wars, as well as causing disasters like earthquakes, floods and plagues. This drew the attention of Forge and X-Factor.
Haven at Marvel Database
Haven at Uncanny X-Men.Net
Haven at Comic Vine