Supreme Serpent
Supreme Serpent
Personal Info:
Real Name: Tai Chen
Also Known As: General Chen
Place Of Birth: China
First Appearance: Avengers Vol.1 #32 (1966) Silver Age Villain
Known Associates: Sons of the Serpent
Group Affiliation: Former leader of the Sons of the Serpent
Base Of Operations: New York City
Grudges: Avengers
Creators: Stan Lee and Don Heck
The Supreme Serpent has no super human power, however he is a highly skilled leader, has access to vast resources and has his own private army.
The Sons of the Serpent is an organisation of costumed fanatics who despise anyone who doesn't fit their strict definition of the perfect American. They consider themselves patriots and believe that foreigners and other minority groups are hurting the country. The Supreme Serpent is the head of the organisation.
When a foreign diplomat, General Chen was, almost assassinated, he blamed the Sons of the Serpent, however Chen was in fact the Supreme Serpent and leader of the organisation.
Supreme Serpent I at Marvel Database
Supreme Serpent I at Comic Vine