Doctor Octopus 2099
Doctor Octopus 2099
Personal Info:
Real Name: Unknown
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Atlantis, 2099 A.D.
First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 Vol.3 #10 (2016) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: Tyler Stone, Glorianna, Man Mountain Marko, Sandwoman, Venom, Venture, Vulture, Dr. Alexi Cronos, Electro, Medea
Group Affiliation: Sinister Six, The Fist
Base Of Operations: Alchemax Building, Nueva York, United States of America, 2099 A.D.
Grudges: Spider-Man 2099
Creators: Peter David and William Sliney
Enhanced Abilities: Doctor Octopus's Atlantean physique gives him superhuman strength, durability and endurance.
Tentacles: Doctor Octopus has four organic tentacles that he uses for a variety of effects, mostly for offensive purposes but also for bracing himself, enhanced travel both along the ground and vertically.
Water/Air Breathing: Doctor Octopus has gills and can breathe in water as well as on land.
Resistance's:Doctor Octopus is resistant to cold which is another adaptation to undersea life.
A former Atlantean scientist and expert in xenobiology. As Doctor Octopus he worked as a member of the Sinister Six in 2099 A.D.
Doctor Octopus 2099 at Marvel Database
Doctor Octopus 2099 at Comic Vine