Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau
Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau
Personal Info:
Real Name: Chtylok
Also Known As: Nakra
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Sensational Spider-Man Vol.1 #13 (1997) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: The Fall People
Group Affiliation: None
Base Of Operations: Savage Land; Monster Isle
Grudges: The Hulk
Creators: Todd DeZago and Mike Wieringo
Enhanced Abilities: Chtylok has vast super human strength, agility, durability and endurance.
Invulnerability: Chtylok is virtually invulnerable to damage.
Tail: Chtylok has a prehensile tail which has spikes on it's tip.
Claws: Chtylok has a set of razor sharp talons.
Flight: Chtylok has a set of wings that enables him to fly.
A long time ago the ancestors of the Fall People, a tribe that lived in the Savage Land, attempted to take refuge by entering the frozen tundra to look for a new land. When they reached the frozen Antarctic landscape, they were attacked by a monstrous creature known as the Chtylok. The Fall People were driven back to the jungle, with most of the tribe injured and devastated. The Fall People thought of this as a sign from the gods that they shouldn't leave and began to fear and worship the creature. They often leave offerings of animals and such every New Moon. The people believed that one day a terrible disaster would come over the valley and the great Chtylok would return to save them from disaster.
In the present day, the damage to the ozone layer above the Savage Land started to melt the glaciers, which threatened to flood the entire region below. The water trickling below into the subterranean caverns awakened Chtylok who had been hibernating for centuries. He had found himself on the bottom of the Monster Isle, and came to the surface driving off some of the other monsters in the area. Some of the creatures travelled to the Florida Keys where Hulk decided to make his new home. With the attacks in Florida, the Hulk travelled to the Monster Isle to investigate. Once there, Hulk was attacked by the creature Chtylok.
Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau at Marvel Database
Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau at Marvel Universe: The Appendix