Personal Info:
Real Name: Unrevealed
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Man Vol.1 #75 (2001) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: No known Associates
Group Affiliation: None
Base Of Operations: Mobile
Grudges: X-Man
Creators: Steven Grant and Quique Alcatena
Energy Form: The Harvester's natural form is energy, though he assumed a semi-humanoid form to survive on Earth. He can manipulate energy on a planetary scale, though it may take him several decades to prepare things for his manipulations.
Mind Control: The Harvester can control the will of others, though mutants possess some degree of resistance to this power.
Flight: The Harvester is able to fly.
The being known only as "Harvester," was one of many serving that role to a race of energy farmers who allegedly existed for "tens of billions of years" (either hyperbole or indicating they originate from a dimension pre-dating Earth's universe, which is estimated to be less than 14 billion years old). According to the Harvester, before Earth condensed out of cosmic ash, the farmers had determined which stars generated the most fertile planets. Almost three billion years ago, the farmers identified Earth, then just a volcanic soup without atmosphere; the oxygen was still trapped in the vast primordial oceans. Via meteors, the aliens rained down parasites that merged with the cells (unicellular life forms) in the oceans, creating something new. Most died, but some spawned generations of host infected with generations of parasites, finally merging into a single creature. Evolution continued, with the parasites eventually becoming mitochondria, the energy factory in all animal cells. Thus the farmers used Earth to develop better mitochondria in increasingly complex forms.
Thirty years ago, the signal was sent to one of the Harvesters that Earth's crop was now ready (marked by the sudden spike in mutant development). The Harvester traveled to Earth, his black transport sphere crashing to earth like meteorite. Landing in Kansas, he was investigated by a curious elderly couple Jeremy and Margo Tenk, and he analyzed their genetic structure, transforming his energy form into physical form suited for Earth, but killing the couple in the process. The Harvester spent the next 30 years casting his net over every mitochondrion on the globe. He made his home in Picayune, Kansas, slowly taking control of the town's residents. Approximately seven years ago, most in Picayune lacked independent will or action, acting out their lives, but doing nothing unsanctioned by the Harvester.
Mutants, however, possessed some inherent resistance, and two years ago, Mike Dorie to escape Picayune, telekinetically carving an extremely immense "Help Us" in the city's croplands. He then fled with his girlfriend Carla Cribb, who remained in blissful ignorance of the problem. Discovering Mike and Carla, the Harvester demonstrated his connection to every living animal (including mankind)'s cells, showing attacks on the Harvester harmed all Earth's creatures. Seeing that he had no hope to stop the Harvester and wishing to spend mankind's remaining time with Carla, Mike returned them to Picayune with the Harvester, who erased Mike's distress message. However, the message had already been seen by alternate Earth-295 ("Age of Apocalypse")'s Nate Grey (a.k.a X-Man), who had made the "mainstream" Earth 616 his home and appointed himself mutant shaman, looking after the world's mutant population. Investigating, Nate confronted Mike (recognizing his energy signature on the message) who reluctantly brought Nate to the Harvester. Nate decided to take up the duty of stopping the Harvester.
Harvester at Marvel Database
Harvester at Marvel Universe: The Appendix