Personal Info:
Real Name: Carter Ryking
Also Known As: No known Alias
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men Vol.2 #12 (1992) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates: No known Associates
Group Affiliation: Project Cronus
Base Of Operations: Ryking Hospital for Parahuman Research, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Grudges: X-Men
Creators: Fabian Nicieza and Art Thibert
Plasma Generation: Hazard's body generates plasma. However, he needed a cybernetic body suit to control it for energy blasts and flight.
Energy Perception: Hazard noted being able to see a red diamond on Dr. Milbury's forehead. His mutation apparently allowing him to see this energy when no one else seemed to notice.
Brian Xavier, Kurt Marko, and Hazard's father Alexander Ryking were all part of a secret mutant research project called Black Womb at Alamogordo, New Mexico.
This was of special interest to Ryking as his son Carter had demonstrated mutant powers that he had trouble controlling. Carter was kept sedated and was outfitted with bionics in an attempt to help control his powers. He remained at the hospital until word reached of his father's death. Carter killed the nurses handling him then secretly sent a file with history on their fathers' project to Professor X. This was discovered by Wolverine, who was looking through Xavier's files for information on his own past.
At Alexander's funeral, Hazard appeared to forcibly take Xavier to Alamogordo. Alerted by Valerie Cooper, the X-Men followed them.
Hazard at Marvel Database
Hazard at Marvel Universe: The Appendix