Personal Info:
Real Name: James Marks
Also Known As: Jimmy Mark, John Doe
Place Of Birth: Clairton, West Virginia
First Appearance: Rom Vol.1 #17 (1981) Bronze Age Villain
Known Associates: Dire Wraith's
Group Affiliation: Formerly Avengers Academy
Base Of Operations: Formerly Avengers Compound
Grudges: Rom , X-Men, X-Man and the New Mutants
Creators: Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema
Enhanced Abilities: Hybrid has super human strength, endurance and durability.
Telepathy: Hybrid has powerful telepathic abilities.
Mind Control: Hybrid can use his telepathy to mind control others; either controlling them completely or hijacking control over their superpowers.
Telekinesis: Hybrid possesses vast telekinetic powers. He was stated to be one of the most powerful telekinetics on Earth.
Power Negation: Hybrid can prevent others from using superhuman abilities with his mind.
Chronokinesis: Hybrid can age people.
Weather Control: Hybrid has the ability to control the weather.
Magic: Hybrid is a skilled sorcerer.
Shapeshifting: James Marks has the ability to shape-shift into any form he so chooses however, he typically appears either as a youth or in his true Hybrid form.
Force Field: Hybrid can generate extremely resistant force fields.
James "Jimmy" Marks is the product of cross-breeding between an Earth woman (Marjorie Marks) and a Dire Wraith (Jacob Marks - assumed identity). The Wraith who took the form of Jacob Marks was one of the surviving members that fled after the disastrous assault on Galador. Alone he found his way to Earth where he crash landed and assumed the shape of a human. To further his disguise, he courted Marjorie Seaton and developed feelings for her. They were married and a child was born. For years the Marks family lived a normal life until Jacob was found by other Wraiths that had arrived on Earth. They took over the training of young Jimmy and opened his eyes to his sorcerous heritage and indoctrinating him in Wraith doctrine. Jimmy soon far outstripped his mentors in ability to their dismay and fear. His evil penchant became ascendant and he began torturing the farm's livestock.
Hybrid at Marvel Database