Real Name: Xeron | ||||||||
Also Known As: | ||||||||
Place Of Birth: Mobia | ||||||||
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk 136 | ||||||||
Known Associates: | ||||||||
Group Affiliation: None | ||||||||
Base Of Operations: The Andromeda Starship | ||||||||
Grudges: The Hulk | ||||||||
Creators: | ||||||||
Gallery: Click | ||||||||
Enhanced Abilities: Xeron has enhanced strength, agility and endurance. | |||||||
Harpoon: Xeron carries an array of special harpoons, which drain an opponent of their energy until they become unconscious. |
The past of Xeron the Star-Slayer is almost completely unknown before his first encounter with the Hulk. What is known is that at some point he became a crewman of the Andromeda Starship, pursuing the extra-terrestrial herm named Klaatu, and serving under Captain Cybor. |