Black Racer
Black Racer
Personal Info:
Real Name: Ariana Saddiqi
Also Known As:
Place Of Birth: Unknown
First Appearance: Captain America Vol.1 #337 (1988) Modern Age Villain
Known Associates:
Group Affiliation: The Serpent Society, former member of Serpent Squad IV
Base Of Operations: Serpent Citadel, New York
Grudges: Captain America
Creators: Mark Gruenwald and Tom Morgan
Gallery: Click
Super Speed: Black Racer is capable of moving at super speeds and is able to make multiple attacks.
A quiet woman with the power of super speed, Black Racer first joined the fourth Serpent Squad, robbing a casino in Las Vegas with her teammates Copperhead, Puff Adder, and Fer-de-Lance. Sidewinder took note of this, and invited the Squad to join his Serpent Society.
Black Racer at Marvel Database
Black Racer at Marvel Universe: The Appendix
Black Racer at Comic Vine