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X-Men Villains
X-Men Villains
Adversary Apocalypse Arcade
Astra Bastion Belasco
Beyonder Black Tom Cassidy Blob
Brood Cameron Hodge Cassandra Nova
Danger Dark Beast Erik The Red II
Fenris The Fury Gamesmaster
Goblyn Queen Graydon Creed Grotesk
Holocaust Horde Juggernaut
Kid Omega Living Monolith Loki
Lucifer Magneto Magus
Manacle Mesmero Mikhail Rasputin
Mister Sinister Nanny N'Astirh
Nimrod Omega Red Onslaught
Orphan-Maker Phalanx Post
Proteus Ronan the Accuser Sabretooth
Sauron Shadow King Stryfe
Sugar Man Sy'm Terminus I
Thundersword U-Men Unus the Untouchable
Vanisher Vargas Warhawk
William Stryker X-cutioner Zaladane
Acolytes of Magneto
Amelia Voght Fabian Cortez (Leader) Frenzy
Scanner Static Unuscione
Ani-Men I
Ape-Man I Bird-Man I Cat-Man I
Count Nefaria (Leader) Dragonfly Frog Man I
Apocalypse's Horsemen I
Death I Famine I Pestilence I
War I War III  
Apocalypse's Horsemen II
Death VI Famine II War III
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants I
Astra Blob Magneto (Leader)
Mastermind I Quicksilver Scarlet Witch
Slither Toad Unus the Untouchable
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants II
Avalanche Blob Destiny
Pyro Mystique (Leader)  
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants III
Blob Phantazia Pyro
Sauron Toad  
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants V
Blob Post Toad
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants VI
Avalanche Blob Mastermind II
Mystique Post Sabretooth
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants X
Black Tom Cassidy Juggernaut  
Factor Three
Blob Ogre Mastermind I
Unus the Untouchable Vanisher  
Hellfire Club I
Black Bishop I Black King I Black Rook I
Black Queen II White Bishop I White Queen I
Hellfire Club II
Black King II    
Hellfire Club III
Black King I Black Queen II Black Rook
White Bishop White Rook  
Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker (Leader) HYDRA  
Lost Souls
Harpoon Malice Mister Sinister (Leader)
Prism Riptide Sabretooth
Mojo and his Minions
Mojo Mojo II Spiral
Mutant Liberation Front
Dragoness Forearm Kamikaze
Strobe Stryfe Tempo
Thumbelina Wildside Zero
Bonebreaker Cylla Donald Pierce
Lady Deathstrike Prettyboy Skullbuster I
Savage Land Mutates
Amphibius Barbarus Brainchild
Sauron Whiteout Worm
Bastion Nimrod Prime Sentinel
Sentinel - Mark I Sentinel - Mark II Sentinel - Mark III
Sentinel - Mark IV    
Anteus Domina (Leader) Elysia
Jaeger Rax