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A.I.M A.I.M. is an organization of scientists dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of governments by technological means.
AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) began as a group of scientists organised during World War II by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker to develop advanced technological weaponry for his subversive organization HYDRA. Now AIM is an organisation of brilliant scientists and their hirelings dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of all governments by technological means. First Appearance: Strange Tales Vol.1 #146
CRIMSON DYNAMO II A Soviet agent who stole the original Dynamo's armour, in order to discredit him.
Anton Vanko the original Crimson Dynamo defected from the Soviet regime. His superiors then sent two agents (one, the Black Widow) to assassinate Vanko and complete his original mission. Boris Turgenov, the other Soviet agent, stole the Dynamo armour and donned it himself, trying to use it to discredit Vanko in the eyes of his American friends. First Appearance: Tales Of Suspense Vol.1 #52
CRIMSON DYNAMO III A Soviet defector, forced by the KGB to work as the Crimson Dynamo.
Alex Nevsky was the protégé of the original Crimson Dynamo. After Vanko defected to Stark Industries, Nevsky's career was ruined. He soon defected to the U.S. to compete with Stark Industries, but was forced to work for the KGB as the third Crimson Dynamo. First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.1 #21
EZEKIEL STANE The son of Tony Stark’s late business rival and archenemy Obadiah Stane.
The megalomaniac son of the late Obadiah Stane, he shares similarities with Tony Stark, but he is younger, more intelligent and much more ruthless. He has been described as a kind of sociopathic futurist, an opportunistic super-villain who exploits the modern corporate run, greed-driven society to further his own ends. He seeks revenge against Tony Stark for his father's death. First Appearance: The Order Vol.2 #8
GHOST The son of Tony Stark’s late business rival and archenemy Obadiah Stane.
The man, who would become Ghost, was a promising data engineer for a major corporation, and the brainchild behind GhostTech, computer chips that phased into an intangible state before overheating. The prized employee of the company, its executives used his genius to make themselves wealthy, spurring his continued productivity with sexual favours from another employee. When the GhostTech project was finally completed, they had his lover killed after she threatened to reveal how the company paid her to date him, causing him to slide into depression. As a result, he eventually infused his body with GhostTech and formed a cyberpathic connection with the company's systems in order to escape the traumas of the real world, discovering the woman's murder in the process. Surviving an assassination attempt due to the GhostTech in his body, he killed the company executives, before eliminating any link to his past life and becoming a full-time corporate saboteur. First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.1 #219
JUSTIN HAMMER A longtime foe of Iron Man who as a criminal mastermind employed super-villains and organized criminal operations.
Justin Hammer is an unscrupulous industrialist and head of various international design and manufacturing firms. A long-time competitor of Tony Stark, Hammer amassed a significant part of his fortune through the funding of organized crime. When a criminal signed on as his minion, they agreed to pay him half of their profits in exchange for upgrades to their equipment and getting their bail paid in the event of an arrest. First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.1 #120
LIVING LASER A brilliant scientist who became a career criminal using laser technology, and then became a being of pure living energy.
Arthur Parks was a relatively successful laser research scientist until spurned by a woman. Deciding he needed power to achieve his aims, Parks creates wrist-mounted laser units, a costume and used the alias "Living Laser".First Appearance: Avengers Vol.1 #34
MADAME MASQUE Disfigured criminal mastermind and ex-lover of Tony Stark.
Madame Masque was born Giulietta Nefaria, the daughter of the criminal Count Luchino Nefaria. Her mother died giving birth and Count Luchino gave the child to the Frost family in order to give his daughter a respectable life. After her true parentage, was revealed Whitney accepted her father's invitation to join him in running the Maggia under the codename "Big M". Her role in the Maggia brought her into conflict with Iron Man and while trying to flee from him her plane crashed and her face was disfigured. She was saved however by Mordecai Midas, Midas was obsessed with gold and gave her a golden mask to hide her disfigurement, thus she became known by the name "Madame Masque". First Appearance: Tales of Suspense Vol.1 #97
MANDARIN A brilliant scientist, martial artist and Iron Man’s arch nemesis
The Mandarin's parents died shortly after he was born. He spent all of his vast inheritance training in science and martial arts. In doing so he caused himself to go broke as he reached adulthood. The Chinese government evicted him from his family estate because he was unable to pay his taxes. The bitter, broke, homeless, but extremely well trained Mandarin began to wander the earth. He found an alien space-ship during his wandering. He studied the ship to gain knowledge of advanced science, and stole rings he found within it embarking on a long series of attempts to achieve world domination. First Appearance: Tales of Suspense Vol.1 #50
MORDECAI MIDAS Billionaire business magnate, whose ‘appetites’ brought him into conflict with Iron Man.
Mordecai Midas was born in Athens, Greece, a starving street urchin forced to beg in order to survive. He later became involved in various shady business enterprises and eventually created a base of financial power. He became obsessed with becoming the richest man in the world and tried to gain control of Stark Industries from his base in the Aegean Sea. First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.1 #17
OBADIAH STANE A billionaire industrialist, business rival and nemesis of Tony Stark.
Obadiah Stane was a ruthless individual who studied his adversaries to find weaknesses that he could exploit. Ever since he was a child, Stane enjoyed chess, and handled his life with the same kind of methodical logic that he used in the game. As a child he saw his father, a degenerate gambler who at that time was on a "lucky streak", accidentally shoot himself in the head playing a game of "Russian Roulette." This event shaped Obadiah Stane for years to come. He would later grow into a wealthy businessman who attempted to take over Tony Stark's ( Iron Man) company, Stark International. First Appearance: Iron Man Vol.1 #163
SASHA HAMMER The Grandaughter of Justin Hammer, left a legacy of hatred for Tony Stark.
Sasha Hammer is the Grandaughter of financier Justin Hammer and the daughter of Justine Hammer and The Mandarin, with such a family she is naturally an opposer to Tony Stark. First Appearance: The Invincible Iron Man Vol.1 #1
TITANIUM MAN I The Titanium man is a Russian Super Soldier Assassin.
Boris Bullski was a high-level Communist Party official whose unbridled ambition within the Party, garnered the disfavour of Kremlin officials, who transferred him to an obscure work camp in Siberia. Angered by the demotion, Bullski had scientists create a suit of titanium armour to battle and defeat the American hero Iron Man. First Appearance: Tales of Suspense Vol.1# 69
THE UNICORN A long time ‘Cold War’ foe of Iron Man’s.
Milos Masaryk was a Soviet agent assigned to security duty at the laboratory of inventor Anton Vanko. Vanko was engaged in the development of advanced weaponry and armaments. His first completed project was the Crimson Dynamo armour, the second was a helmet and harness with a radiation-beam weapon called a “power horn". Vanko offered this invention to Masaryk, and with government approval, began to instruct the Soviet agent on its use. When Vanko defected to the U.S., Masaryk became the Unicorn to avenge the disgrace of his defection. First Appearance: Tales of Suspense Vol.1 #56