ADOLF HITLER Daring Mystery Comics Vol.1 #6 (1940) Golden Age Villain
'The fascist dictator and ruler of Nazi Germany during World War II. He wished to wipe "inferiors" from the world and propagate an Aryan race.'
One of the most sinister men to ever walk the face of the earth, Adolf Hitler formed the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi’s) a fascist organisation that rose to power during the 1930’s. As a dictator he led the German people into World War II, the biggest military conflict in history, with maniacal plans of world domination and vast ethnic cleansing.
A.I.M Strange Tales Vol.1 #146 (1966) Silver Age Villain
'A.I.M. is an organization of scientists dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of governments by technological means.'
ARNIM ZOLA Captain America Vol.1 #208 (1977) Bronze Age Villain
'A brilliant and disturbed scientist, able to clone bodies and transfer brain patterns to the new bodies. He is a frequent foe of Captain America.'
AIM (Advanced Idea Mechanics) began as a group of scientists organised during World War II by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker to develop advanced technological weaponry for his subversive organization HYDRA. Now AIM is an organisation of brilliant scientists and their hirelings dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of all governments by technological means.
During the late 1930’s, Swiss geneticist Arnim Zola discovered a tome of Deviant science and learned how to create artificial life. He built himself a new body, with a brain inside its chest, a holographically projected face, and an “ESP” box for a head. Zola became a valued member of Hitler’s Third Reich.
BARON HEINRICH ZEMO Avengers Vol.1 #4 (1964) Silver Age Villain
'The 12th Baron Zemo who created the original Masters of Evil to take down Captain America and the Avengers.'
An elite Nazi scientist during World War II, Zemo developed a life-long loathing for Captain America when a skirmish with Cap resulted in Zemo being splashed with his own Adhesive X, permanently affixing his menacing magenta mask to his face.
BARON HELMUT ZEMO Captain America Vol.1 #168 (1973) Bronze Age Villain
'The 13th Baron Zemo is the archnemisis of Captain America and has led the Masters of Evil against the Avengers.'
A megalomaniac and would be world conqueror, Helmut Zemo is the son of Heinrich the 12th Baron Zemo who was an influential Nazi scientist. His hatred of Captain America and the Avengers lives on in Helmut, the current Baron Zemo.
BARON STRUCKER Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos Vol.1 #5 (1964) Silver Age Villain
'Since WWII, Baron Strucker has been causing misery and destruction, first as the Red Skull's second-in-command, later as ruler of HYDRA.'
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was born in Bavaria, Germany, from a line of Prussian noblemen who were all military leaders, and was recruited by the Nazi Party in the 1930’s. Strucker rose through the ranks and became wing commander of the Death's-Head Squadron. After many defeats at the hands of Captain America and Nick Fury, Adolf Hitler ordered the Baron's death, finding an ally in the Red Skull, Strucker was instead sent to eastern Asia to build a power base; this eventually led to the creation of the international terrorist organization HYDRA.
BATROC Tales Of Suspense Vol.1 #75 (1966) Silver Age Villain
'A mercenary, formerly of the French Foreign Legion, and one of the most formidable unarmed combatants in the world.'
Georges Batroc was born in France and served in the French Foreign Legion. During his time in the Legion he learned the art of Savate. Driven to be nothing less than the best, he trained endlessly, pushing his limits until he was capable of performing acrobatic acts that would put the world's best gymnasts to shame. Batroc incorporated these gravity defying manoeuvres into his fighting style earning him the moniker "the leaper" He left the Legion, and began to sell his services to the highest bidder.
COBRA Journey Into Mystery Vol.1 #98 (1963) Silver Age Villain
'Leader of the Serpent Society and a frequent foe of Captain America.'
Klaus Voorhees once worked in India as the assistant to a scientist who was conducting research into antidotes for snake venom. Jealous of his success, Voorhees plotted to kill him inducing one of the cobras kept in the laboratory to bite both of them, to make it appear to be an accident. The Cobra’s venom and an experimental antidote he used to save himself radically mutated Voorhees giving him cobra-like powers.
CROSSBONES Captain America Vol.1 #359 (1989) Modern Age Villain
'Crossbones is a ruthless mercenary who operates as the Red Skull’s right-hand man.'
Even as a child Brock Rumlow idolised the Red Skull, and as he grew up he became a vicious petty criminal and leader of his own small New York street gang. Later he joined one of Taskmaster’s school’s for criminals and worked his way up the ladder, eventually becoming a mercenary for hire. As a mercenary he broke into the Red Skull’s castle and after a physical altercation with the Skull, he was offered a spot as his new body guard and given the codename, Crossbones.
RED SKULL I Captain America Comics Vol.1 #7 (1941) Golden Age Villain
'The Red Skull is a proud Nazi general and the embodiment of evil, fear, and horror. Captain America’s arch nemesis.'
Johann Shmidt was born in a German village. His mother died giving birth to him and, after failing to drown the newborn his father committed suicide. The orphaned Shmidt became a beggar and thief, though he sometimes took menial jobs. Shmidt worked as a bellboy in a hotel when Adolf Hitler paid a visit. Recognising Shmidt’s hatred of humanity, he vowed to turn him into “the perfect Nazi”. After overseeing his training he presented Shmidt with a skull like mask, dubbing him “The Red Skull”.