AMAZO Brave And The Bold Vol.1 #30 (1960) Silver Age Villain
'The android pawn of Professor Ivo with the entire powers of the Justice League'
Obsessed with the idea of achieving immortality, the villainous Professor Ivo constructed a special android in the hopes that it would defeat the Justice League and be a testament to his genius. Using special absorption cells, Amazo became charged with the stolen super powers of the entire Justice League of America.
ANTI-MONITOR Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol.1 #2 (1985) Bronze Age Villain
'The Anti-Monitor is The Monitor's counterpart from The Anti-matter Universe. He is responsible for the original Crisis on Infinite Earths.'
ASMODEL JLA Vol.1 #7 (1997) Modern Age Villain
'Formerly the leader of the Bull Host Angels of Heaven, he allied himself with Neron and has faced the League several times.'
At the same moment that the universe was born, the antimatter universe was also created. Billions of years later, the being known as the Anti-Monitor began taking power. He conquered the Weaponers of Qward, and from them he learned there was a different universe, a positive matter universe, and he wanted control of it, too. After a cosmic accident tore a hole between the positive and antimatter universe, the Anti-Monitor, took advantage, crossing over, which resulted in the inter-dimensional "crisis."
In heaven, the angel Asmodel was formerly the Lord Harrier of the Bull Host, and Commander of the Cherubim Alpha Battalion. He was the highest ranked and most feared of the Pax Dei, the Angel Army of heaven, but grew tired of simply being a servant of God. Rebelling as Lucifer had millennia before, Asmodel waged war against the forces of heaven.
DARKSEID Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Vol.1 #134 (1970) Bronze Age Villain
'Despotic ruler of Apokolips, his search for the Anti-Life Equation has brought him into conflict with League many times.'
Prince Uxas was the son of Queen Heggra of Apokolips. He planned to gain the throne at any cost. Second in line to the throne behind his brother Drax, Uxas created political upheaval while his brother attempted to make peace with the nearby world of New Genesis. When Drax attempted to claim the fabled Omega Force and assume godhood, Uxas murdered him and claimed the power for himself. Renaming himself Darkseid after the apocryphal god.
DOCTOR LIGHT Justice League America Vol.1 #12 (1962) Silver Age Villain
'A scientist turned villain, he went on to fight the League repeatedly before menacing the Teen Titans.'
Dr. Arthur Light was a scientist at STAR Labs, partnered with Jacob Finlay. Finlay had used a technically advanced suit to control light as a small-time superhero, but he was accidentally killed by Arthur Light while his career was still taking off. Arthur took the suit and the "Doctor Light" name and used them for criminal means.
DOOMSDAY Superman: The Man Of Steel Vol.1 #17 (1992) Modern Age Villain
'Doomsday is the ultimate weapon that hates all life, especially Kryptonians. This has brought him into conflict with the League many times.'
Doomsday was engineered and evolved on Krypton. Long before intelligent life had evolved and the planet became habitable a genetic engineer named Bertron came to Krypton. Bertron built a laboratory there and began an experiment to create the ultimate life form. He took an infant and threw it out of the laboratory into the hostile environment of Krypton were hideous creatures tore it to pieces. The remains of that child were collected and a new child cloned. Bertron and his team repeated this process for over thirty years each day killing the child and re-cloning him. Through decades of this process, the memory of these countless deaths were recorded in his genes driving him to hate all life and fashioning him into a highly evolved killing machine.
ECLIPSO House of Secrets Vol.1 #61 (1963) Silver Age Villain
'The original incarnation of the Spirit of Wrath, who has clashed withe the Justice League on a number of occassions.'
Eclipso is the original incarnation of the Spirit of Wrath, who was removed from his position by his replacement the Spectre and imprisoned in a black crystal known as The Heart Of Darkness. Eclipso has the ability to possess anyone who owns the crystal.
FELIX FAUST Justice League of America Vol.1 #10 (1962) Silver Age Villain
5000-year-old villainous sorcerer who was one of the Justice League of America's first adversaries.
In his millennia on Earth, Faust has studied the occult to amass formidable talents in spell casting and the summoning of demons. What Faust lacks in true magical power he makes up for in his willingness to sell his soul or sacrifice others, including his own children, to obtain mystical might.
GAMEMNAE JLA Vol.1 #70 (2002) Modern Age Villain
'An ancient Atlantean sorceress who brought the JLA thousands of years into the past to destroy them.'
Gamemnae is an Atlantean sorceress who was born 3,000 years ago. She was cast from her home as a child because of her blonde hair, a terrible curse in Atlantean myth. She enslaved the people of Atlantis, raised it to the surface, and formed a league of Ancient heroes to defeat the "Seven Headed Serpent" from a prophecy, the Justice League of America.
GRAVES Justice League Vol. 2 #6 (2012) Modern Age Villain
'A former author, who has vowed to destroy the JLA, holding them responsible for the death of his family.'
David Graves was a historian and published author, interested in fringe history. During the first adventure of the Justice League, David, his wife and children, came under attack by Darkseid's forces. Waiting for their inevitable death, Graves and his family were saved by the superheroes. Graves then wrote a book "Justice League: Gods Among Men". A year after Grave's book, an unknown event caused him to fall terminally ill, and his family to die. Travelling to Asia, he climbed Mount Sumeru, walking the line of death, he found the powerful haunted deities, called the Asura, who transformed him into the being that would be known as Graves!
KANJAR RO Justice League Of America Vol.1 #3 (1961) Silver Age Villain
'An intergalactic dictator who forced the Justice League Of America to fight his enemies.'
KEY Justice League Of America Vol.1 #40 (1965) Silver Age Villain
'The Key is a master scientist who has developed a large variety of futuristic weapons, most of which are in the shape of keys, keyholes and locks.'
Kanjar Ro is the dictatorial felon of the planet Dhor, a world in the Antarean star system. His army waged wars with neighbouring worlds Alstair, Mosteel and Llar, each ruled by tyrants desiring total control of their galaxy. To tip the balance of power in his favour, Kanjar Ro travelled to earth and forced the justice League Of America to fight his enemies to save the people of Earth.
NERON Underworld Unleashed #1 (1995) Modern Age Villain
'Neron is a Devilish being of great power, he is the Lord of lies, making deals with people for their souls in exchange for their greatest desires.'
The Key was a chemist who worked with Intergang. After using his mind-expanding chemical to tap into parts of the brain that normally go unused, The Key was able to come up with very complex crimes that where not always understood by most people. Along with his group of followers, the Key-Men, he found himself going up against the likes of the JLA..
Neron is one of the major demons of Hell, the 'King of Hate' and 'Lord of Lies'’. It is not known how old he is, but he has claimed 'I was among the first that walked abroad in this universe, and my influence has been known since humanity's first fall from grace'. He specialises in making deals with people for their souls in exchange for their greatest desires, his half-truths and treachery invariably lead to either the misfortune of the deal maker or their death.
PROMETHEUS New Year's Evil: Prometheus Vol.1 #1 (1998) Modern Age Villain
'A violent sociopath who has sworn to annihilate the forces of justice.'
A child of love born to sociopathic parents that were thieves and violent criminals on the run from the law. They were both killed during a police chase. It was on that day that Prometheus’s hair turned white and he swore that he would annihilate the forces of justice. Using his parent’s money and criminal contacts, he trained and established a new identity as Prometheus.
QUEEN BEE Justice League of America Vol.1 #23 (1963) Silver Age Villain
'An insectoid Queen, intent on enslaving worlds.'
Queen Bee is the Royal Genetrix of an insectoid species from the planet Kroll. The race is trillions strong and moves from galaxy to galaxy enslaving worlds converting the inhabitants into drone slaves.
QUEEN OF FABLES JLA Vol.1 #47 (2000) Modern Age Villain
'Exiled from her dimension, the Queen of Fables drew the JLA into a fairy tale world.'
SOLARIS DC One Million #1 (1998) Modern Age Villain
'A man-made tyrant sun who sought to conquer two eras, By encoding its evil in a techno-virus sent back to infect 20th century machinery.'
The Queen of Fables is the wickedest of witches, a sorceress from another dimension exiled to Earth as punishment for her great evils. Before science and fact overcame superstition and fear, the Queen menaced mankind with Dragons, Ogres and Fairies.
Solaris is a stellar super computer hailing from the 853rd century. The man made tyrant sun sought to conquer the 853rd century and the 20th century by encoding it’s evil in a techno-virus sent back to infect 20th century machinery, literally creating himself.
STARBREAKER Justice League Vol. 1 #96 (1972) Bronze Age Villain
'A cosmic vampire that feeds off the energy of stars, planets and negative emotional states.'
Starbreaker is an ancient being older than all of creation, he is the subject of legends on countless worlds describing the end of the universe. In eons past, he has laid waste to entire galactic clusters.
DESPERO Justice League America Vol.1 #1 (1960) Silver Age Villain
'The tyrant of Kalanor, who teamed up with Johnny Sorrow and fought the JSA and JLA together.'
On Despero's home world of Kalanor, the people of the world were much like humans. They developed a nuclear energy source of incredible power. Many thought this new power was dangerous but the warnings were ignored and the planet was ravaged by high energy plasmas. Most of the species of Kalanor were eradicated, but those that survived were mutated into entirely different beings. Despero's race emerged and quickly became dominant through telepathic subjugation of the other species. There was much unrest on Kalanor and war brought Despero's father victory. When Despero was of age, he killed his father and took control of Kalanor.
DOCTOR DESTINY Justice League America Vol.1 #5 (1961) Silver Age Villain
'A criminal scientist using his superior mind and dreaming powers to attack the Justice League.'
Dr. Destiny was once a petty criminal scientist who used his genius to create astounding devices for crime. He created the Materioptikon, a device that, allowed him to create reality from the fabric of dreams.
THE GENERAL Captain Atom Vol.1 #1 (1987) Modern Age Villain
'A military man who didn’t trust super-heroes, finally became a physical threat after possessing the body of the Shaggy Man.'
Air Force General Wade Eiling never trusted super heroes and is obsessed with maintaining a meta-human ‘Balance Of Power’. He created the Ultramarine Corps as part of this. Discovering that he had an inoperable brain tumour, he enlisted the Ultramarine Corps to find a replacement body. Eiling’s choice was the Shaggy Man, a being created by Professor Zagarian out of adaptive ‘Plastalloy’. Eiling had his mind transferred into the Shaggy Man and began his plans for world domination.
LIBRA Justice League Of America Vol.1 #111 (1974) Bronze Age Villain
'Due to his childhood, Justin Ballantine grew up to cherish the idea of balance, especially between good and evil. He led the Injustice Gang.'
Libra was born Justin Ballantine, he lost his mother at the age of eight due to an alcoholic pharmacist incorrectly weighing the medicine his mother needed. Soon after his father turned to alcoholism and brutally abused Justin regularly. Justin would later use all the money he had to buy a telescope so that he could stargaze and imagine a better life among the stars. His father came to the roof and threatened to beat him with his telescope one night but he lost his balance and fell to his death, which left Justin with the unhealthy idea that "life is just a matter of balance". This notion became an obsession that defined his super-villain career.
MAGEDDON JLA Vol.1 #37 (2000) Modern Age Villain
'Mageddon is a war machine, created by the Old Gods, It was made to make sentient lifeforms destroy each other.'
In a forgotten time, well before the birth of the universe, Mageddon was created by the Old Gods of Urgund, beings who destroyed themselves with weapons capable of rending infinity to pieces. Mageddon survived. After 15 billion years chained in a gravity sink on the outer curve of space time, it crawled from it’s prison and lurched across the cosmos toward Earth.
OWLMAN JLA: Earth-2 (2000) Modern Age Villain
'Owlman is an evil doppelganger of Batman from an alternate universe. He's a member of the Crime Syndicate, a team of super villains paralleling the JLA.'
SPORE Justice League Vol. 2 #7 (2012) Modern Age Villain
'A biological warfare specialist who was exposed to the spore virus, mutating him into a monster.'
On Antimatter Earth, Owlman is Thomas Wayne, Jr., the older brother of Bruce Wayne. In this antimatter reality, Bruce and his mother Martha were killed by a policeman because Thomas Wayne Sr. refused to accompany the officer for questioning. Thomas Sr. was arrested while Thomas Jr. escaped the scene. Thomas Jr. befriended Joe Chill who mentored the boy in the art of crime and the thrill of success. He then became Owlman and equipped himself with tools similar to Batman and took drugs which gave him an enhanced intellect.
Doctor Samuel Street was a biological warfare specialist who, whilst delivering the “Spore” virus to A.R.G.U.S. for safekeeping, was attacked by an unknown assailant who broke into the Black Room to steal the Orb of Ra, leaving Street exposed to the Spore virus, mutating him into a large monster able to create mindless "Seeds".
ULTRAMAN JLA: Earth-2 (2000) Modern Age Villain
'Ultraman is an evil doppelganger of Superman from an alternate universe. He is the leader of the Crime Syndicate, a team of super villains paralleling the JLA.'
On Antimatter Earth, Clark Kent was an astronaut exploring deep space when his ship imploded in Hyperspace. An alien race reconstructed his body, but with only a limited understanding of human physiology, they accidentally gavre him powers similar to Superman. Powered by Anti-Kryptonite and his mind twisted he returned to earth and became leader of the Crime Syndicate of Amerika.
WHITE MARTIANS JLA Vol.1 #1 (1997) Modern Age Villain
'Cruel alien invaders that were imprisoned in the ‘Stiil Zone’. They waited for an opportunity to reclaim the Earth as their own!'
The White Martians and the Green Martians were originally part of the same race, known as "The Burning". This race used fire to reproduce asexually and were belligerent to all. 20,000 years ago, The Guardians of the Universe, fearing the ruthless Martians, genetically split them into two distinct species, white and green. The Green Martians were peaceful philosophers; the White Martians were savage warriors. A lengthy civil war between the two races ended when the few surviving White Martians were rounded up and exiled to the extra-dimensional "Still Zone".